Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Differences between active and passive transport


  1. Active transport uses ATP to pump molecules against the concentration gradient. Transport occurs from a low conc. of solutes to high conc. of solute. 
  2. Requires cellular energy.
  3. Types of transport include endocytosis, cell membrane/ sodium potassium pump and exocytosis.
  4. Function : Transport molecules against the conc. gradient so more of the substance is inside the cell (i.e., a nutrient) or outside the cell (i.e., waste) than normal. Disrupts equilibrium established by diffusion.
  5.  Types of particles transported : Proteins, ions, large cells, complex sugars
  6. Requires carrier proteins. Matrix or permeases of the membrane are not involved.
  7. It is highly selective.
  8. It is rapid process.
  9. It is unidirectional.
  10. It is reduced or stopped by O2 deficiency.
  11. Metabolic inhibitors stop active transport.
  12. Decrease in temp. decreases it.
  13. E.g., Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, Na+/K+ pump, secretion of a substance into the bloodstream


  1. Movement of molecules occurs down the conc. gradient. It goes from high to low conc. in order to maintain equilibrium in the cells.
  2. Does not require cellular energy.
  3. Types of transport includes diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis.
  4. Function : Maintains dynamic equilibrium of water, gases, nutrients, wastes etc. between cells and extracellular fluid; allows for small nutrients and gases to enter/exit. No net diffusion/osmosis after equilibrium is established.
  5. Types of particles transported: Anything soluble in lipids, small monosaccharides, water, O2, CO2, hormones etc.
  6. Carrier proteins are not involved. It takes place through matrix/channels/permeases.
  7. It is partly non-selective. All diffusible substances can be transported according to their conc. gradient.
  8. It is comparatively slower process.
  9. It is bidirectional
  10. Unaffected by O2 content.
  11. Metabolic inhibitors do not influence passive transport.
  12. Not affected by temp.
  13. E.g., Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis

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