Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Differentiate between seed fermentor and production fermentor:


  1. Used to raise the inoculum.
  2. Uses inoculum medium
  3. Capacity is 10-100L.
  4. More than one fermenter  may be used to get desired amount of inoculum.
  5. Cells are grown in exponential phase and harvested. Main purpose is to get active cell.
  6. Medium and fermentation conditions are optimized to get maximum cell density and this also adapt the cell to new environment.


  1. Used for production of metabolites.
  2. Uses production medium.
  3. Capacity- 1000- 100,000 L
  4. One large fermenter is used.
  5. Cells are grown mainly to get the desired product (stationary or primary )
  6. The main aim is to get high yield of product.

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