Sunday, September 9, 2018

Differences between LFT and HFT.


  1. Low frequency transducing lysate.
  2. A lysate formed from a single lysogeny in which aberrant excision occurs only infrequently is called a LFT lysate. Small number of specialized transducing phages are produced and mostly contain normal phages.
  3. Single lysogeny produces transducing particles at about 10^(-6) to 10^(-7) of the total phage particles in the lysate.
  4. No involvement of helper phage.
  5. 99.9% non-transducing particles of the total particles.


  1. High frequency transducing lysate.
  2. Lysates containing a relatively large number of specialized transducing phages created by coinfecting a host cell with a helper (normal) phage and a transducing phage- dilysogen.
  3. The dilysogens yield lysates half of whose phage are transducing particles.
  4. Helper phage allows the transducing phage to replicate, thus increasing the number of transducing phages in the lysate.
  5. 50% non-transducing out of the total particles.

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