Friday, September 7, 2018

Differnces between organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA:

Organization of Prokaryotic DNA:

  1. Found in the nucleoid region.
  2. Prokaryotes generally have a small, circular DNA.
  3. There is a single origin of replication.
  4. Less elaborately structured and folded genome.
  5. The genome size ranges in between 10^4 to 10^7 bp with a high gene density.
  6. They are polycistronic i.e., multiple genes are transcribed through the same promoter.
  7. A single RNA Polymerase is involved in transcription.
  8. Multiple proteins act together to fold and condense prokaryotic DNA. Folded DNA is then organized into a variety of conformations that are supercoiled and wound around tetramers of the HU proteins.

Organization of Eukaryotic DNA:

  1. Found in the nucleus.
  2. They have multiple linear chromosomes (2 to <50.
  3. The chromosomes have multiple origin of replication sites.
  4. Complexed genome with a large amount of protein to form chromatin.
  5. The genome size ranges from10^8 to 10^11 bp with a low gene density due to the presence of introns.
  6. They are monocistronic i.e., one gene is under the control of one promoter.
  7. Three type of  RNA Polymerase are present of which RNA Pol II is involved in transcription.
  8. Eukaryotes wraps their DNA around proteins called histones .

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