Sunday, September 9, 2018

Differnces between generalized and specialized transduction


  1. Any piece of the bacterial genome can be transferred.
  2. It is done by virulent or lytic bacteriophages.
  3. Undergoes lytic cycle.
  4. Bacterial cell lyses quickly.
  5. Generalized transducing phage produce some particles that contain only DNA obtained from the host bacterium, rather than phage DNA.
  6. Bacterial DNA hydrolyses by the virus into pieces.
  7. E.g., E.coli by phage 1.
  8. No-prophage formation.


  1. Only specific pieces of the chromosome can be transferred.
  2. It is done by temperate phage.
  3. Undergoes lysogenic cycle.
  4. Cell survive for several generations.
  5. A specialized transducing phage produces particles containing both phage and bacterial genes linked in a single DNA molecule.
  6. Bacterial DNA is not hydrolyzed.
  7. E.g., lambda-phage.
  8. Prophages are formed.

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