Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sensations from skin, muscles, tendons and bones are initiated by variety of somatic receptors.

Sensations from skin, muscles, tendons and bones, joints - somatic sensations-  are initiated by variety of somatic receptors collectively called somatic receptors. Some of these receptors respond to mechanical stimulation of  the skin, hair and underlying tissues, whereas others respond to temperature or chemical changes. Distinct receptors exist for heat, cold, touch, pressure, limb portion or movement and pain.
Touch and pressure : Stimulation of different types of mechanoreceptors in the skin lead to a variety of touch and pressure experience - hair bending, deep pressure, vibrations and superficial touch for example. These mechanoreceptor are highly specialized neuron endings encapsulated in elaborate cellular structures. The neuron endings are linked to networks of collagen fibers within a capsule that is often filled with fluid. These networks transmit the mechanical tension in the fluid filled capsule to ion channels in the neuron endings and activate them.
 Posture and Movement : The senses of posture and movement are complex. The major receptors responsible for these senses are the muscle-spindle stretch receptors and golgi tendon organs. These mechanoreceptor occur in skeletal muscles and the fibrous tendons that connect them to bone . Muscle spindle stretch receptors respond to both the absolute magnitude of muscle stretch and to the rate at which the stretch occurs, and golgi tendons monitor muscle tension. 

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